Glenn krobel
lead Pastor
Glenn has been our lead pastor since 2012. A native born Manitoban, Glenn and his wife Suzanne have three kids which keeps them busy to say the least! Glenn's greatest passion is to see people come to know Jesus and live their life to the fullest in relationship with Him. His desire for Centerpoint is to see a community of believers whose love for God reaches into the lives of people of every background. Glenn wants you to know that great things are happening at our church! We'd love for you to come and check it out!
Contact: [email protected]

Carson Parago
Families Pastor
Carson is our pastor of Family Ministries. Among his many roles are: directing Discovery Day Camp (DDC) – a ministry that reaches hundreds of children per year, pastoring our weekly children’s program (DDC Weekly), leading Centerpoint Kids on Sunday mornings, as well as being our pastor to youth grades 7-12. Carson’s hobbies are many, but one in particular stands out: he’s a competitive powerlifter! It is Carson’s desire to reach our children and youth with the gospel of Jesus and work with our families to develop Christ-centered followers from an early age.
Contact: [email protected]

luke lissenberg
worship Pastor
Luke has been the worship pastor at Centerpoint Church since May of 2018. He grew up here in Winnipeg, is married to school-teacher Alison, and has three children - Anne-Marie, Jackson and Emilia. Luke is passionate about seeing people's lives changed because of the Gospel. It is his desire that Centerpoint Church would be a place where people can come and experience God's presence, and as a result live their lives fully surrendered to Jesus Christ.
Contact: [email protected]

kyla humphries
administrative assistant
Kyla is the organizational glue that holds our church together and is available to help in many ways throughout the week-duties as assigned. She is married to Gary, and they have 2 teenagers.
Contact: [email protected]